Vineyards’ smart management service through the use of high-resolution mesoscale models


Acronym: VidDATA
Reference: RTC2019-006948-7
Partners: Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables (ITER) and Universidad de La Laguna (ULL).
Duration: 2020/11/01 – 2024/06/30
Budget: 574.119,48 €
Co-Financing: Retos Colaboración 2019. Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad.

Project overview

Vineyards are affected by the effects of climate change in spite of technological improvements, as the rest of agricultural productions. Wine production can be threatened by climate changes as these could affect to the quality and quantity of grapes, introducing alterations in alcohol production and acid and sugar concentrations. In the Canary Islands, this is a problem of great interest in spite of the small size of islands and its complex orography due to there are ten Denomination of Origin (DO).

In response to the problem mentioned above, VidDATA is presented. VidDATA is an agroclimate and support service, which provide high-resolution climate information, as well as cost estimations using Big Data and Machine Learning in order to help both the agricultural insurers and the Canarian wine sector, the decision making and development of adaptation strategies against climate change.

The main objective of VidDATA is to provide high-resolution climate information adapted to wine sector and to develop a support intelligent platform to manage of vineyards. Climate information will be used to obtain agroclimate models and indices of extremes and agroclimate, which are associated – directly or indirectly- to the vid production variations. Both the climate information and intelligent assistance for tasks planning to be carried out in the vineyards, may be placed on the market as a agroclimate service which will help to customer in decision-making on several tasks such as: planting and harvesting management, irrigation, the suitable grape variety and other inputs. Likewise, the replicability of VidDATA to other crops of interest of the islands will be evaluated, as well as the possibility to extrapolate it to other places with the same orographic complexity than the Canary Islands.

The achievement of this project implies providing to the wine sector, on one hand, with an agroclimate service; and on the other hand, with a support system for decision-making and thus to prevent the threat posed by climate change to the sector, minimizing costs and risk through enhanced the management of production, quality and quantity of the end-product.

VidDATA project development is structured in a number of main task range from the selection and assessment of weather, climate and crop data to obtain the climate indices and grape-yield simulations.

Furthermore, in VidDATA project will obtain climate variables simulations from the high-resolution numerical weather prediction model, Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF). These simulations be validated and used to obtain climate indices and agroclimate models. In this project will also be designed an artificial intelligence tools for integration into the digital platform that will provide to end-users with a tool through which to access timely agroclimate information.

Other tasks to perform throughout the implementation of the project are:

– Technical and economic coordination of the project.

– The market research.

– The marketing strategies.

– Competition analysis.

Source: The images of the vineyards have been provided by Tenerife Rural for the VidDATA project.