“Tenerife educa”, the catalogue of educational resources developed by the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife was presented on February 11th. This catalogue collects more than 100 additional support activities promoted by the different areas and subsidiaries of the insular Corporation.

ITER, which has actively participated in the design and development of this catalogue along with other Areas and agencies, has included 6 resources offered to the educational community. These resources are: the project ¿Es posible una isla 100% renovable? The enhibition: La Energía nos mueve, the experiment La Fibra óptica, the game Isla 100% , the Technological demonstration Unit of renewable energies and the guided tours to the Renewable energy walkway.

The catalogue will be available for the educational community in the platform www.tenerifeeduca.es, where different materials and resources will be available in order to improve the schoolchildren training in the subjects of environmental science, culture, sports, and new technologies. This initiative is framed within the program Tenerife 2030 of the Cabildo, which targets young people and their future as well as in enhancing their skills, talent and training.

“Tenerife educa” starts with a catalogue of 109 activities offered by the Island Council and seeks to reach more than 115,000 students of early childhood education centres, elementary and secondary education institutes, who will have the chance to learn about safe Internet navigation, how to promote reading, how to manage waste, healthy lifestyle habits, prevention of violence against women, implementation of school gardens and responsible consumption, among others.

Each resource has a file which contains the information of the contact person, how to apply for the resource, its main features, what it is about, objectives etc.